The REAP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework describes all the key facets required for the effective monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) of REAP’s approach and performance towards its targets and beyond. MEL activity for REAP involves performance reporting, assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of REAP implementation including over the long term, and assessments of the relevance, effectiveness, coherence, efficiency, impact, and sustainability in REAP achievements.
The two central building blocks upon which the REAP MEL Framework rests are its Theory of Change (ToC) and Results Framework, which together provide a strategic overview of REAP. The REAP ToC provides the conceptual framework that explains how and why REAP is expected to achieve its intended outcomes and impact goals, based on the key causal pathways arising from REAP’s activities and outputs and the assumptions underlying these causal connections. The REAP Results Framework presents the indicators REAP will track. To provide for a stronger and more holistic understanding of REAP’s progress, the indicators are directly linked to the result areas described in its ToC.
The MEL framework was developed through a systematic review and analysis of REAP documentation as well as early warning-early action literature, interviews with the REAP Secretariat and Partners, and two workshops with the REAP Secretariat. This process highlighted the value created by the Partnership, the barriers encountered, current and planned approaches to early warning-early action, and models for sustainability. The first draft of the MEL Framework was reviewed by selected REAP Partners and the members of the REAP Board. Following two years of implementation, the MEL Framework was revisited based on a clearer understanding of the causal pathways that will enable REAP to achieve its mission. REAP’s Technical Advisory Group were consulted on proposed amendments in November 2023, and the MEL Framework has been updated based on feedback received.